As consultants, in addition to meeting the needs of our clients, we explore opportunities to bring value to all of the project participants (staff, other consultants, program participants, research subjects) by working in ways that build capacity, engage participants in meaning making and by generating knowledge that can be shared more broadly when possible.

Consulting Services

Research and Strategy Development

Review the latest research, field practices and innovations to inform leadership development approaches that connect and support participants' collaborative work taking on the root causes of systemic inequity.

Leadership Program Evaluation

Build evaluative capacity by engaging staff and participants in articulating assumptions, identifying what is working and not working and collaboratively making meaning of how to apply findings to strengthen support to leadership.

Network Activation

Provide network training and coaching on engagement strategies, governance, and scaffolding to groups interested in using a network approach to amplify their impact on social justice goals.

Current Clients

2023- 2024

The Health Foundation for Western and Central New York

Leadership Learning Community.

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Previous Clients

As lead consultant for the Leadership Learning Community’s consulting services I led projects for:

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

The California Endowment

The Kresge Foundation

The Summit Foundation

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

The Russell Family Foundation

The Sierra Health Foundation

The Northwest Area Foundation

The W. K. Kellogg Foundation

The California Wellness Foundation

Blue Shield Foundation of California

The Archibald Bush Foundation

“I've worked with Deborah on many different projects over the years… Her understanding of how networks can catalyze systems transformation is as deep as anyone's I know.  ”

— June Holley, Author Network Weaver’s Handbook

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.